The Japanese name of these distributors is Jidohanbaiki: jido "automatic" Hanbit "sale" ki "machine. You can even specify what sells the machine, such as a "no tabaco jidohanbaiki" sells cigarettes.
Two categories of distributors are everywhere: those containing soft drinks such as iced tea, soda, coffee, fruit juices and vitamin drink for 100 or 150 yen and those containing cigarettes.
Japan is the country where the concentration of veding machine is the highest in the world. They are found everywhere in the archipelago, whether in cities, villages or even in the countryside. In Tokyo an incredible number of machines selling drinks and cigarettes are proliferating in the city, even in its less frequented corners where they illuminate the night of their white light. It is not uncommon to see 4, 5 see more aligned side by side against a wall and find others to ten meters.
why s huge success ?
They are very convenient for Japanese who do not have time to queue in a supermarket or gender Family Market Seven / Eleven. Besides these machines does not really compete as often store distributors to place beside his door, they are considered more as a supplement than a nuisance. Their low prices and their omnipresence are undeniably the major assets of their success.
There is a distributor for 23 Japanese from the Japan Vending Machine Manufacturers Association so nearly 6 million machines for the archipelago.